
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." Matthew 28:18

I've probably read this and the verses following it a hundred plus times, maybe you have as well. Who knows, maybe even a thousand times! Each of us, over the years, have likely been "under" the authority of some pretty awesome leaders, some great mentors, and, to keep it real - most likely, some pretty horrible ones. Ones that misused their positions of influence and power. Maybe you have struggled, or, are currently struggling, with some bad leadership? 

Allow Him to free you from your self-righteous anger. Pray that God will reach deeply into the soul of that "leader" - "His will be done"! And only as God can, and will and do, we might just find that we have been an active participant in the miracle of what it means to make a disciple...

Lord, only you are the author and perfector of our faith!



